Travelling to Paris was awful. I was carrying a luggage that was at least as heavy as Ivy, plus my Lucille. But I did it, and now I'm home. And because I'm such an awesome writer, I didn't start by the beginning. I went for the business exam, which was more like a "last thing to do before home" than an actual exam. Most of us here only needed a small mark to pass the course, so everyone was confident.

     The exam itself wasn't very hard, but not a piece of cake either. And when I say cake I mean actual cake, I won't threaten to kill you (and most of you won't get the reference anyway). I hope I did well, but have to wait for 10 days before getting the result, the 24th of June (which, when you think about it, is exactly 6 months before Christmas. So it's like... Middle year Christmas. Cooooool).

     As for packing, I felt quite bad about it. And I had so many things to pack (some stuff I didn't even remember I had...). I left a lot of useless stuff and heavy things I couldn't bring back, like the kettle. Then, I said bye to everyone and left. (*insert emo lyrics here*)
6/16/2010 11:47:42 pm

Le coup du middle-Christmas, fallait le trouver quand même ><


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